Agilent Gas Chromatograph / Mass Spectrometer Acquired
A Agilent Gas Chromatograph / Mass Spectrometer has been added to the laboratory! With the acquisition of this instrument, we will not only be able to continue doing the standard testing we have been doing with the University’s general purpose GC/MS, but we will now be able to develop custom test methods specifically for leather analysis. The instrument is equipped with thermal desorption and dynamic headspace sampling units which are vital for accurate VOC analyses and can also be useful for root cause problem solving. The instrument utilizes the latest version of the mass spectra library available from NIST which includes over 243,000 chemical spectra. This library, coupled with an all new qualitative and quantitative data analysis program that is designed to accurately identify compounds in overlapping and coeluting peaks, will prove invaluable for analysis of unknowns and will help us help you with root cause problem solving.
Please contact us at 513 242-6300 or to discuss how the incredible power of this analytical tool can be applied to your leather.