Toy and Shoe Safety

American national standard ASTM F 963–07; Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety, and European standard EN 71-3; Safety of Toys – Part 3: Migration of Certain Elements are the internationally recognized, “Gold” standards for product safety in terms of chemical exposure.
These standards set limits on the migration of certain toxic elements from toys into the digestive system of infants, as tested by extracting the sample into artificial gastric juice.
We have performed testing to these standards for various products, including:
- Baby booties
- Adult shoes
- Bookbinding leathers
- Dog chews & toys
- Upholstery leather
The specific substances limited are:
- Antimony
- Arsenic
- Barium
- Cadmium
- Chromium
- Lead
- Mercury
- Selenium
The standards set limits based on bioavailability – the ability of each substance to migrate out from the product into the body – according to daily exposure levels that have been determined to be safe.
Certification of compliance with the limits imposed by the above standards will enable your company to benefit from a distinct and profitable marketing advantage in countries throughout the world.
Contact the Leather Research Laboratory today to arrange testing of your product.