Leather Orientation Course

This popular 2-Day course will take place at the Leather Research Laboratory on the campus of the University of Cincinnati and will cover a wide range of leather related issues such as physical structure, hide supply, tannery operations, finishing options, governmental regulatory concerns, problem solving, testing and customer acceptance issues. Attendees will be given an in-depth tour of the Leather Research Laboratory and will have a book with various leather samples to take home and use as a reference.

The cost of this course is $985 per person with discounts available for multiple participants from the same company. Dates: April 17-18, 2024, July 17-18, 2024, and September 11-12, 2024.

Introduction to Leather Testing Workshop

This workshop is designed for individuals that need a comprehensive understanding of both the theory and application of a wide array of standard test methods in use in the leather industry. The workshop is a blend of classroom instruction along with significant time for hands on application in the laboratory. Participants will be able to perform many of these test methods and techniques on the provided leather samples or on their own samples.

The cost of this workshop is $1,350 per person.
Coming Next Year.

To register for any of our classes, or for more information, please email Louisa at passanlb@uc.edu